Riker 0.1

I have now created a distribution file for Riker 0.1. It’s not a music player yet; instead, it’s a proof of concept for two things: Using gstreamer to read tags from files, and using Vala bindings for libmusicbrainz4 to perform a query on the MusicBrainz webservice.

Get it from the Github Releases page.

If you’re running Linux, I invite you to give this a try!

To build, run the standard ./configure; make stanza. Please do not install this package yet, instead run it from the source directory.

Usage is pretty simple. In the source directory, run

./tagread file:///home/user/Music/path/file.mp3

It should print out information pulled from the file, including tagged MBIDs, and then perform a query on the MusicBrainz webservice – printing out the fetched release title.

If you have any issues with reading file tags or with the query, please let me know by sending me an email, or creating an issue on the github issues page.

Distribution-Specific Build Notes

For Ubuntu, you will need the following development packages installed:

  • libgee-dev
  • libgstreamer-plugins-base-dev
  • libsqlite3-dev

Although Ubuntu has a “libmusicbrainz4-dev” package, it is either broken or out of date. You’ll have to manually install a recent libmusicbrainz4 beta version, which can be downloaded from http://ftp.musicbrainz.org/pub/musicbrainz/.


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